Macmillan Academy's GCSE results continue to significantly exceed both local and national averages.

Macmillan Academy’s GCSE results continue to significantly exceed both local and national averages.

In the Government’s new League Tables for 2006, 93% of Macmillan students gained 5 or more GCSE passes at Grade A* to C.  The average for Middlesbrough schools was 45% and nationally it was 58%.

67% of Macmillan students achieved 5 or more GCSE passes including Maths and English at Grades A* to C. Locally, the figure was 30% and nationally 45%.

Macmillan Academy’s Contextual Value Added score was 1042.5, against the national average of 1000, placing it at number 37 in the national table and in the top 1% of the country’s maintained schools.