This week Mr McCallum is hosting the annual RSPB Big School Bird Watch in which we hope to collect data on the species of birds living in and around our academy's site.

On Thursday 3rd February, during enrichment time, Mr McCallum is hosting the annual RSPB Big School Bird Watch from the Saltholme Room and Eco Garden.

We received an appeal from the RSPB to help in the collection of real scientific data and alongside other schools nationally, we are providing the RSPB with vital information. The count of species and numbers of those particular birds will help the RSPB discover how bird populations are doing in our local area. Once all the information has been collated and analysed, the results are compared with previous years' surveys.

The RSPB are able to track a large number of species using this data and can help them target conservation action for declining species where it is most needed. Results in the past have also helped to confirm findings - such as the dramatic population declines in house sparrows and starlings - from other surveys.

Bird populations are a good indication of the health of ecosystems in general, so changes in their numbers can highlight problems affecting wider environment around us. Mr McCallum is hopeful that this survey can take place at other times of the year and with continuing improvements in the biodiversity of the grounds, will prove to be the start of our own record keeping for bird species in the Academy.

Keen birdwatchers, and anyone with a general interest in taking part in this survey, should see Mr McCallum in person before Thursday February 3rd enrichment time.