All Year 8 students recently spent a day in the North Yorkshire coastal village of Robin Hood's Bay.

All Year 8 students recently spent a day in the North Yorkshire coastal village of Robin Hood's Bay. 

During the visit, organised by the Geography Department, everyone had the opportunity to study the landscape of the area, learning how it was formed and how, due to coastal erosion, it continues to change at a rapid pace, threatening much of the coast. 

'Bay', as the locals call the place, is protected by an impressive sea wall, the largest in the country, and by hundreds of tons of huge hard rock boulders brought here from Norway.  In their work booklets, students sketched a seascape and answered questions to help them understand exactly how coastal threats can be met, when they are too great to counter, how the area looked 180 million years ago and how the last Ice Ages, just 10,000 years ago changed the North Yorkshire coast forever. 

The winner of the best poster designed to illustrate what they learned on the day will receive cinema tickets as a prize.