Year 9 are entering an exciting time, over the next few weeks they will make some very important decisions.

Year 9 are entering an exciting time, over the next few weeks they will make some very important decisions. These decisions will shape the next two years of their education; they will have an impact on the qualifications they achieve, what they will do after Year 11 and influence their future career choices.

Year 9 Routes Booklet - Download & Read Now!

This booklet has been written to help guide you through this process. There are a number of staff in the Academy ready to support you; from your tutor, Head of Year, subject teachers, to heads of department, careers advisors and senior leaders. All staff know how important it is that you make the right choices, and are ready to help you, so you just need to ask!

The Year 9 Routes video below explains the different qualifications that students can study in Key Stage 4, the different routes that students can take and how the Key Stage 4 curriculum fits together.

As part of the options process, you will be invited to meet a senior member of staff to discuss your choices via SchoolCloud. Parents are very welcome to attend this meeting; it is a great opportunity to ask questions about the curriculum and qualifications on offer.

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